

2.1 The Origins

The origins of Rome and the early centuries of its history are still the subject of research that still fascinate generations of historians and experts on the subject of simple. The medieval culture and then the Renaissance humanist thought and saw in Rome

2.2 The literature in Rome

In Rome Literature handy as we know it did not find space immediately. We think that we must wait for the completion of the world-famous Twelve Tables of laws, between 451 and the 450 a.C. - Three hundred years after the

2.2.1 The first great authors

In a beautiful but underrated movies 1971 with Marcello Mastroianni and Vittorio Gassman, Scipio Africanus also called, Cato (played by Gassman) holds a wonderful monologue in which admonishes the Romans because they do not high-minded: all that

2.3 The philosophy

Nel I sec. a.C. Romans studied and deepened, particularly, two philosophical doctrines that had been established after Aristotle, who were predominantly focused on the moral and practical: Epicureanism and Stoicism. L’epicureismo – greek dating back to Epicurus (341-270

2.3.1 Lucretius

On the life of Lucretius we have very little information and no clue of help can be found in more than 7000 version of De Rerum Nature. A testimony of St. Jerome (IV sec.), to be taken with caution, tells us that in 94 a.C. born

2.3.2 Cicerone

Born in Arpino 106 a.C. from a wealthy family but not aristocratic, completes his course of studies in Rome, acquiring legal education, rhetoric and philosophical, in order to devote himself to politics. And so it is in contact with the

2.3.3 Seneca

Lucius Annaeus Seneca was born in Córdoba between the 4 e l’1 a.C. and died in Rome on the orders of Emperor Nero in 65 d.C. A wealthy family, is brought to Rome by his father, Lucius Annaeus Seneca said the Rhetor, around 5

2.4 Art and technique

The Romans learned the taste for art by the Etruscans and later nurtured a great admiration for all artistic manifestations from Greece and the countries of Hellenistic culture. They were early talkers, then worked out their own forms and original, come