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2.4 Art and technique

The Romans learned the taste for art by the Etruscans and later nurtured a great admiration for all artistic manifestations from Greece and the countries of Hellenistic culture. They were early talkers, then worked out their own forms and original, come

3.1 Peloponnesiache colonies on the Gulf of Taranto

In the same period in which it arose Syracuse, the Gulf of Taranto were founded other cities destined to become no less glorious, by settlers from various regions of the Peloponnese: dall'Acaia, from Laconia, dall'Argolide. This wave of migration, back a few decades to

3.2 Sybaris

Sybaris was the oldest and most famous Peloponnesian colony of Magna Grecia. Strabo says that Sybaris was founded by the Achaeans the crater between the river and the river Sybaris (today called Coscile), and that his ecista (head of the colonial expedition) fu un

3.3 Sybaris on Traente; Must

Sybaris was the first city to be founded between the Achaean colonies in Italy and was the first to disappear from the political scene, conquered and destroyed by the foundations in 511-510 from its neighbor Crotone, after a long rivalry and a brief

3.4 Crotone

The rival of Sybaris, Crotone, was also colonized by Achaeans, about the same time. The Achaean origin of Crotone was universally ac-cepted in antiquity. The Croton shook with their two neighboring towns, Caulonia and Sybaris on Traente, a covenant on the

3.5 Taranto

When, towards the end of the fifth century, crotoniate power began to decline, primacy over other cities of Magna Grecia in Taranto passed, founded shortly after Crotone, and how this, Greeks from the Peloponnese. But while the settlers of

3.6 Metaponto

Metaponto, as Sybaris and Croton, was considered a colony of the Achaeans of the Peloponnese. After recalling the tradition that the city was colonized by Nestor of Pylos and his companions to return from the Trojan War, Strabone si